This powerful book combines gentle yoga poses with Scripture to create the ultimate mind, body and spirit experience. One Minute to Ama-Zen is perfect for the beginner yogi. Readers will be introduced to simple beginner yoga poses complete with modifications. These beginner yoga poses allow the reader to increase flexibility and strength while focusing on deep breathing. The gentle yoga poses also make it easy for the reader to meditate on specific Scripture and connect spiritually with God. One Minute to Ama-Zen is the perfect book for Christians and people of faith who are looking to deepen their devotion time. The author has perfectly united meditation of faith and God's word with beginner yoga poses. Unlike any other book, One Minute to Ama-Zen will have you speaking and meditating on God's Word as your body physically interprets the words. Your mind, body and spirit will be in total agreement like never before. It's time to feel Ama-Zen!!! Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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