My Beloved Son / Joshua Chen

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/ Joshua Chen
Publisher: Tate Publishing
Availability:In Stock.
Sales Rank: 10575340
ISBN-10: 1631852760
ISBN-13: 9781631852763

As a young, newlywed couple awaits the arrival of their firstborn son, they never could have expected hearing the outcome--that their little Joshua has cerebral palsy. In Beloved Son, you are invited to re-trace the perilous journey the Andersons have had to travel and endure in raising Joshua--from infancy through childhood. Witness the raw firsthand accounts from both my mother and I as we document our life stories together--with all its passions, joys, and sorrows intertwined. Because, in the midst of all adversity, God still quietly listens to and answers the most heartfelt of all prayers, and that we are all called to be His beloved children, no matter how far away we seem to drift.
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