I Wish I Didn't Quit: Music Lessons / Nathan Holder,

Book Cover I Wish I Didn't Quit: Music Lessons
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/ Nathan Holder,
Publisher: Holders Hill
Sales Rank: 2580889
ISBN-10: 1999753003
ISBN-13: 9781999753009

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Your child starts playing an instrument. Then they grow frustrated, impatient and bored. Then they quit and years later wish they didnt.
Why does this happen to so many people? Bad teaching? Boring music? Is playing the clarinet not cool enough? How can you stop this from happening? What can you do to help?
I Wish I Didn't Quit: Music Lessons gives you the tools and ideas to help your child succeed along their musical journey. By understanding your role in their journey, your child's musical environment and what really made Mozart a genius, you can help your child to love their instrument and never regret giving up.
Tips and anecdotes from some of the world's top musicians and industry professionals will help you to understand how you can give your children an amazing set of lifelong skills, confidence and experiences.
Featuring Jermaine Griggs (CEO and Founder of HearAndPlay.com), Hannah V (Rhianna, JP Cooper, Stormzy), Ken Burton (Marvel's Black Panther & award-winning choirmaster), Gilles Peterson (award-winning BBC Radio 6 DJ & entrepreneur), Kaz Rodriguez (drummer and composer).
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