Peace and Harmony in Daily Living / Ramesh S. Balsekar

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/ Ramesh S. Balsekar
Publisher: Yogi Impressions Books Pvt. Ltd.
Availability:Usually ships in 24 hours
Sales Rank: 663050
ISBN-10: 818847956X
ISBN-13: 9788188479566

Do you really know what you want most in life? Even if you have all the success, fame and money you want, and the good health to enjoy it - are you happy and fulfilled? Why is it that we all find ourselves seeking something more from life - all the time? Now, a modern sage points out that each one of us, at some time or the other, has a taste of what that is: an uninterrupted experience of peace and harmony. He also shows how we can achieve this constant repose in our ordinary, hectic, daily living. This is what the seeking - most evidently, the spiritual seeking - is all about.

Thus, Ramesh Balsekar in his book Peace and Harmony in Daily Living raises a very basic question: Why should anyone seek 'enlightenment' or 'Self-realization'?

A simple examination of one's personal experience will reveal that what usually disrupts the peace and harmony in life is a thought about something we think we - or someone else - should or shouldn't have done. Hence, a massive load of guilt and shame for oneself, or hatred and malice for the other, is perpetuated. Without a lot of arduous effort - work, discipline, sacrifice, sadhana - without outside assistance, but simply by investigating one's own experience, it is possible to get relief from this bondage. What mystics have said for ages, is here viewed from the perspective of modern living: that actions are happenings and not something done by someone. This understanding is what actually contributes to and helps us in discovering the state of equanimity and peace which we most ardently seek.

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