Learning Resources Beaker Creatures Reactor Pods, 24 Pack /

Which creature will you discover? Turn your kids’ love of collectible toys into a real-world science adventure with the Beaker Creatures Reactor Pod from Learning Resources. Within each mysterious pod hides one of 35 Beaker Creatures, tiny alien travelers from five distant planets who’ve come to earth in search of learning fun. To discover which creature you’ve got, drop the pod into a container of water; you’ll trigger a colorful bubbling and foaming reaction as the creature emerges. After extracting the creature, kids can use the included classification card to observe their creature’s characteristics and identify their name and family. Maybe you’ll meet an icy Frostonian, or a water-loving Oceanside. You may even discover one of five rare 24-carat creatures! Beaker Creatures Reactor Pod collectibles also come with a double-sided mini-poster: one side features a quiz filled with amazing real-world science facts, and the other features fun images of the creatures at play that combine to form a larger poster.
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