Riveting, perilous, and shocking.
In The Softwood Hour, Lark joined forces with veteran investigator Thomas Carpenter and criminal profiler Agent Miles Fletcher to solve a chilling and unexplainable series of abductions which have left the bodies of teenaged girls littering Washington DC. Disregarding her brother David’s overprotective cautionary warnings and increasingly aggressive behavior, Lark pursued Miles to what culminated in an experience Lark thought to be impossible. But nothing seems impossible with Miles Fletcher.
Once the team discovers how to access the minds of the lost girls, Lark strikes out in search of the clues vital to the location of the man responsible for the heinous crimes. Lark isn’t easily deterred, but when she makes a terrifying realization, even her commitment to the case flags. Now, everything is more dangerous than ever.
On the heels of the terrifying attack on Julia, Lark struggles to gather her nerve to return to the girl’s mind, unsure of what she might find there. Unsure of the horrors. Unsure of the threats.
Come with Lark to explore The Cold Clock, an unknown realm beyond Julia’s lush emerald world. They must hurry to solve the mystery before another girl goes missing. Before another girl turns up dead. But unbeknownst to them, the terror has only just begun.
The Clock is ticking…
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