I had to stop listening the first time because there was a part in the book that I just couldn’t handle. If you’re an animal lover, be forewarned.

But the subject matter of the book haunted me, until I relented and listened to it. Several times.

Each time I listened, I visualized and EMP story of my own. One that featured women heroes with some action.

The more I visualized it, the more that ol’ writing itch began to bother me. If you’re a writer, you know what I’m talking about. That overwhelming compulsion to get started on a story while trying to resist in order to allow your subconscious to work on it to make it more coherent.

Yeah, that’s the one.

Before I began writing Nero’s Fiddle, I knew it would be one of those all-consuming projects: a project that comes before laundry, sleeping, or eating.