I wrote during my breaks at work. I wrote on the commute to and from work. I stayed up late, got up early, took a notepad with me to the laundromat.

For eight months, I breathed, ate, slept Nero’s Fiddle.

I carried on entire dialogues with myself before writing them down, much to the entertainment of my cats.

When all was said and done, I felt I had completed a book of which I can be proud. And I am.

But here is my point: inspiration for a story idea can be found everywhere. Literally.

From the six o’clock news to a song on the radio to a movie, or another book.

I wrote another book, Project Moreau, from a combination of a story I heard on the six o’clock news and the book, The Island of Dr. Moreau, hence, the title, and a story written by a friend.

No copyright infringements. Ideas cannot be copyrighted. No plagiarism as long as you use your own words.